-The policy of controlling the flow of money in an economy is called monetary policy. Its aim is to ensure the economic development and econ...
Showing posts with label Constitution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constitution. Show all posts
Monday, September 14, 2020
Role of Self-Help Groups.
Self-help groups are from small and voluntary groups formed with mutual help. They are made to meet their common needs, to get rid of commo...
Right to Equality in Indian constitution.
Fundamental rights have been provided from Articles 12 to 35 in the Indian Constitution, including right to equality. In fact, the right to...
Procedure for impeachment of the President.
Article 61 of the Indian Constitution provides for the process of impeachment to remove the President of India. According to Article 56 (b) ...
The Legislative powers of a State Governor
The parliamentary democratic system that has been adopted in India. In it, where the President has been made executive head at the center, i...
What are Unitary elements in Indian Constitution.
Elements of the federal system are found in the Indian constitution, but there is also no shortage of unitary elements. Therefore, many time...
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Plasma therapy what is plasma therapy? When a human comes in contact with a germ, the body makes antibodies to eliminate it. These antibodie...
Prejudice is an attitude towards a specific group, which is stereotyped and negative in relation to a specific group in many situations. In ...
1. Jalli kattu is celebrated in - Tamil Nadu 2. Animal Welfare Board of India was established in - 1962. 3. The headquarter of Animal welf...
✍ List of PH Values of Different Substances ๐งช Substance --------- pH Values ● Pure water ๐๐ฟ 7 ● Human blood ๐๐ฟ 7.35 – 7.45 ● Sea water ...
On 12th october 2020, Kamdhenu commission started 'Kamdhenu Deepawali Bhiyan'. Its main objective is to increase the use of cowdung ...
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