Accountability and Transparency in Public Administration - MAINS QUESTION - DAILY CURRENT AFFAIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Accountability and Transparency in Public Administration

In most countries, government officials exercise varying amounts of power depending on the authority vested in discharging their functions and obligations. To ensure that this power and authority is properly and responsibly used, all democratic countries have developed methods and procedures for checks and balances. They have also implemented incentive methods to reward the best performance. These methods and processes are commonly called such methods which encourage accountability. Civil servants in all democratic countries, a reactive, transparent, and honest policy implementation towards both executive and citizens are accountable. But ensuring accountability for performance in government service is not a simple task; there are enormous complexities in making government officials accountable for results and outcomes. In relation to agencies providing services, especially when the service provided is clear, it is easy to set and measure performance targets and is thus a seamless measured unit, but in the case of many government organizations where outcomes are policy-related and therefore very The assessment of performance is not called transparency, it is called transparency in public administration.

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