The background of the French Revolution of 1789. - MAINS QUESTION - DAILY CURRENT AFFAIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Sunday, September 13, 2020

The background of the French Revolution of 1789.

The French Revolution (1789 - 1799) was a period of political and social upheaval and radical changes in the history of France from 1789 onwards. Later, Napoleon Bonaparte carried this revolution to some degree by the expansion of the French Empire. The revolution resulted in the removal of the king from the throne, the establishment of a republic, a period of bloody strife, and eventually the dictatorship of Napoleon leading to the spread of many values ​​of this revolution in and beyond Western Europe. This revolution changed the direction of modern history. With this, the world began to lose its absolute monarchy, new republics and liberal peoples were formed. There have hardly been such revolts in the history of any country, which is more important and controversial than the French Revolution of 1789. This revolution shook France and Europe, as well as its echo throughout the world. The far-reaching impact of this event has, in fact, been so much that much study and research has been done on it and continues to this day. According to Peter Campbell, from the 1950s, historians have generally considered the reasons for the origin of this revolution as economic and social, and since 1980 Political and cultural categories are ranked higher. But recent studies also show that instead of finding different far-reaching causes of this revolution, an effort should be made to understand their unique conjuncture and background carefully. Therefore, the analysis of the revolution should be done in a proper perspective which does not include any definite economic and social determinism.

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