Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ways of minimizing corruption.

The Prevention of Corruption Act was passed in the year 1947 to curb corruption in India.  There are also various codes of conduct related to government employees.  Of the existing means to face corruption.For review, Shri Santhanam Committee was also formed and Vigilance Commissions were also set up at the Central and State levels.  In addition, Central Bureau of Investigation and Lokpal and Lokayukta institutions were also formed to prevent corruption.  Society has an important role in minimizing corruption.  Such values ​​should be developed in the society so that corruption can be reduced.  Similarly, the information system can play an important role in minimizing corruption.  On the day we get information through the information system that on corruption by corrupt officials, politicians and other people, their property is governed by the government and they are put in lockup, which causes corruption cases in other people in the society  I continue to panic  To bring honesty and integrity in governance and to prevent corruption, we should take measures in the following way.

Corruption can be prevented by bringing transparency through accountability, e-governance through Right to Information Act 2005

 The government's credibility can be increased by implementing legislation related to the delivery of goods and services within the time limit.

 By strengthening the Panchayati Raj Institutions, a plate form can be prepared so that public participation in governance is possible and corruption can also be prevented by bringing awareness of their rights and duties in public.

 Through participatory grievance redressal mechanism, public participation in service delivery can be increased so that the government becomes accountable.

 Value-based training can be imparted to public servants.

Austerity can be brought into administration and service delivery can be accelerated by privatizing some organs of the government  May lay special emphasis on equality and morality to Improve education

 Integrity in governance can also be ensured by electoral reforms and the rigorous implementation of the anti-defection law.

 Corruption can be reduced by strengthening the Ombudsman mechanism to investigate larger cases of corruption.

 Integrity in governance can also be ensured by effective implementation of citizen charter.

 Strong public opinion should be generated against corruption so that the misdeeds can be busted in the corrupt.

 There should be a free fair system for judging and punishing criminals strictly by judges with the executive influence on corruption cases.

 The definitive code of conduct for ministers and government administrators should be formulated and followed strictly.

 There should be a system of appointing government employees on the basis of their full salary and merit according to their work.

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