Definition of food security according to the World Development Report 1986. - MAINS QUESTION - DAILY CURRENT AFFAIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Friday, August 21, 2020

Definition of food security according to the World Development Report 1986.

The Meaning of food security - Food security is the availability of adequate food for all people at all times for an active and healthy life according to the World Development Report 1986. "According to the Food and Agriculture Institute" Food Security for all persons at all times for them There is an assurance of achievement, both materially and economically, for essential basic food. "

Based on the above definitions, the following things are included under food security.

 (1) Availability of food (food) to all the population of the country,
(2) Individuals should have sufficient money (purchasing power) to purchase available food grains.
(3) Food should be available at a price at which everyone can buy it.
(4) Food should be available at all times.
(5) The variety of food grains available should be good.

Also, check FCRA act 2010

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