-France's society was uneven and disintegrated. This society was completely divided into classes without privileges. French society was ...
Showing posts with label World History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World History. Show all posts
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
What is the Renaissance that took place in Europe. & its main causes
-Re-resurrection literally means "awake again", but it is not a sleeping person waking up from sleep, but the whole human being. I...
Thursday, August 20, 2020
What were the results of First World War
After the end of the First World War, its terrible and far-reaching consequences have also been revealed. Empire disintegration The immediat...
The Treaty of Sevre
The Sultan of Turkey also included Turkey in the war with Germany. So; The Allies made a treaty with Turkey known as the Treaty of Sevre. Ac...
What were the Causes of the Second World War
The seed of the Second World War was contained in the Paris Peace Agreement. The Allies had imposed such a harsh and degrading treaty on Ger...
The Results of Second World war
In the Second World War there was loss of immense wealth. Experts estimate that the war costing the warring nation more than one lakh cror...
Most Read
Plasma therapy what is plasma therapy? When a human comes in contact with a germ, the body makes antibodies to eliminate it. These antibodie...
Prejudice is an attitude towards a specific group, which is stereotyped and negative in relation to a specific group in many situations. In ...
1. Jalli kattu is celebrated in - Tamil Nadu 2. Animal Welfare Board of India was established in - 1962. 3. The headquarter of Animal welf...
✍ List of PH Values of Different Substances ๐งช Substance --------- pH Values ● Pure water ๐๐ฟ 7 ● Human blood ๐๐ฟ 7.35 – 7.45 ● Sea water ...
On 12th october 2020, Kamdhenu commission started 'Kamdhenu Deepawali Bhiyan'. Its main objective is to increase the use of cowdung ...
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