Thursday, August 20, 2020

What were the Causes of the Second World War

The seed of the Second World War was contained in the Paris Peace Agreement. The Allies had imposed such a harsh and degrading treaty on Germany and its other allies, that those countries became the spirit of the above treaties and also the weakness of the League of Nations due to the Second World War. This war lasted from 1939 to 1945, which was the worst of genocide and damage. It agitated the whole world.

Showed that the errors of the Confederacy - the seed of the Second World War was present in the Treaty of Vasseya. At the time of the Ris peace conference, it was a common belief that through the Vasya Pact, a seed tree is being planted which will soon stand as a giant exterminator tree, whose entire humanity will suffer. Wilson's idealistic principles were utterly ignored in the Treaty of Vasseya. The defeated states had no option but to accept 'charged treaties'. For him, it was a prudence to silently pluck the bitter gulp of a harsh treaty silently down the throat. Chur Mitrurashtra was doing everything without seeing the danger of Bhakishya in the case of Vijay. Germany was paralyzed. A self-respecting nation like Germany could not tolerate such a situation for long. It was certain that Germany would one day take revenge for Vasya's insult.

By signing the Promise-Dispensation of the League of Nations, all member states had promised that they would collectively protect the territorial integrity and political independence of all. But, when the opportunity came, everyone retreated, Japan raped China and Italy trailed Abyssinia. France assisted the destruction of Czechoslovakia. Hitler continued to annex the Czech states and Britain and France continued to watch. This caused the trust of smaller nations to fall from the larger nations; Because now the guards had started becoming eater or had become the ally of the eater or the silent spectator of the eater. Apart from this, the aggressive deception policy also encouraged aggressive tendencies. Japan invaded China and captured Manchuria. Abyssinia
The victim of Mussolini's aggressive policy. Hitler invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia, seeing Mussolini succeeding. He also attacked Proland and only after this did the Second World War begin. If all the nations kept following their promises and helping their allies according to the treaty at the time of the invasion, aggressive tendencies would not have been encouraged and World War II would have survived.

Emergence of emergency politics - dynastic states were defeated in the First World War and the democratic country; As-England, France, United States emerged victorious. After the First World War, national states were born and people's faith grew in democracy; Because the difficulties of war were easily faced by the democratic countries and conquered, in such a situation people became convinced that the credit of victory was due to the democracy, which increased the popularity of the democracy and the democratic constitution was implemented in many countries one after the other in the defeated countries. Happened. But these democratic experiments (especially in war-borne problems)
Financial). Hence, people started getting disenchanted with the democratic system. Instead, dictatorship grew in popularity. The reason for the rise of Hitler and Mussolini in Italy and Germany was the failure to find solutions to problems arising from the First World War.

The air of socialism - economic difficulties created by the First World War had shaken the world. The economic slowdown in Europe became unbearable for the people. Factories started closing down and people started going waste. Life became difficult due to financial constraints. Such
In this situation, the socialist, especially communist, ideology began to be accepted by the people. In fact, the communist party expressed this public dissatisfaction and strengthened it by giving it political dimension. The struggle between nationalism and socialism started in all the big countries. Socialists and communists believed in the principle of internationalism and
Open attack on capitalism was called. When the call for socialism against exploitation and inequality began to pick up, European capitalism started a barricade against it. By invoking the capitalist nationalism, the dictators started helping to crush the socialists and communists. Russia was a supporter of the communist group in the international arena. Hence, the capitalist countries agreed to help the dictators against him to any extent. England's appeasement
Its policy was a part of this. As a result, the feeling of opposition between Western countries and Russia increased, the results of all these things proved to be very harmful, which gave courage to the circumstances and powers that encouraged the war.

The emergence of dictatorship: Italy fought in the First World War on behalf of the Allies in the hope that it would benefit after the war. However, due to the lack of military success during the war, in the treaties of the Paris Peace Accord of 1919, it had secret treaties.
The achievements promised by could not be achieved. Therefore Italy was dissatisfied. In addition, Italy felt the burden of war more than France and Britain because of the scarcity of natural resources and industrial backwardness, taking advantage of the social unrest resulting from the financial crisis, Mussolini became dictator of Italy.
The capitalists of Italy were deeply anti-socialist and wanted to establish colonies outside. Mussolini was a supporter of this policy, thus maintaining a close relationship between capitalists and fascism.
Happened . The expansionist policy certainly leads to war in the international arena which came out as World War II. Hitler also dealt with the economic hardships and occupation treaties that had arisen from the First World War.
According to the conditions, he took power in 1933, taking advantage of dissatisfaction generated by the economic exploitation of Germany. Hitler was a strong supporter of war, cruelty and individual rule, radical nationalism and racism and was a staunch opponent of democracy, socialism, internationalism and peace. It had the support of the army, capitalists and anti-democracy politicians. He
In order to avenge the defeat in the Great War, the rejection of the harsh terms of the Treaty of Vasay, and the promise to free the country from economic and social crisis, it began a program of militarization of Germany and adopted an expansionary policy that led to the Second World War.

Lack of the principle of collective security - During the First World War, it was understood that after seeing the problems of human beings, all those countries together would try to maintain peace in the world, who wanted the welfare of the world and also to maintain the agreement of 1919 A.D. . It was not even envisaged at that time that the interests of the countries signing the principle of collective agreement were conflicting and that they could act against each other when the time came - to fulfill their own interests. In the third and fourth decades of the 20th century, there were many occasions when European nations disregarded the spirit of collective security, only giving importance to their narrow interests, which encouraged the dictators.

Factionalism and factionalism and military alliances were also responsible for the Second World War. There were several treaties in Europe in the name of maintaining peace, which resulted in Europe splitting again into two factions. The leader of one faction became Germany and the leader of the other faction was France.
The principle of equality and unity of interests was behind this factionalism. Italy, Japan and Germany believed in a fascism and their policy was also the same -

Propagandist. These nations were upset with the treaty of law and in violation of it, considered their national interest and pride. On the contrary, the interests of France, Czechoslovakia, Proland etc. were the same; because they benefited greatly from the Treaty of Vasayas, and these countries considered their interest in the smooth running of the Treaty of Vasay. England was not initially involved in this group, but was forced to join this group due to the situation. the Soviet Union
However, due to international rivalry, both factions saw him as both fascist and capitalist in their hatred, but later due to international rivalry, both groups tried to merge him. In the end, Germany was successful in this effort and the Soviet Union joined that group. Due to the presence of two factions, the environment of Europe was corrupted and the differences between the two factions started increasing. In this sense, factionalism became the cause of World War II.
Armament - For which both groups started arming. The defense budget of each country started increasing and
Each country began to equip its army with new weapons. Nine more Air Force were also emphasized. This military preparedness instilled a sense of insecurity. Hadhiyarbandi was largely responsible for the Second World War.
The faction required each group to be stronger than the other.

Failure of the League - After the First World War, the League of Nations was established with the aim of preventing future wars. However, the deceptive powers of the League of Nations and the lack of cooperation among the member nations proved responsible for the Second World War. The League easily settled the affairs of the small states, but found itself incompetent in the affairs of the big nations and eventually other nations were not ready to give them moral and material help in this task. Thus, any active
In the absence of international organization, it became difficult to resolve the conflicts of various nations and eventually World War II took place.

Economic Crisis After the First World War, the economic situation of the countries was in crisis. With this, no path of salvation was visible in the near future. The national sentiment was spreading in all the countries, people started behaving in their country. Hence, there was a huge reduction in the number of exports. In England and other countries, big factories were being closed. The goods which were made with them were not being used. Hence, they too were eager for war, so that their goods would be consumed and the factories would not be closed.

New ideologies - Nazism and Fascism emerged in Europe after the First World War. On the basis of these new principles, a Nazi government was formed in Germany under Hitler and in Italy under the leadership of Mussolini, based on the principle of fascism. Both these principles emphasized the pride and power of Sashtra. As a result, these two nations began to attack other nations and made world war imminent.

Imperialism - The most important cause of World War II was imperialism. Japan, Germany and Italy wanted to expand their empire and overcome their economic troubles and made the name of the nation proud. Japan had become a powerful and industrialized country by the end of the 19th century. Even after the First World War,

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