Wednesday, September 16, 2020


An Essay on women empowerment in English

With the slogan of women empowerment, the question arises that "are women become really strong" and "is long term struggle has ended". Many programs have been implemented and run by the government such as International Women's day, mother's day, etc in order to bring awareness in the society about the true rights and value of women in the development of the nation. Women need to be progressed in a number of spheres. There is a high level of gender inequality in India where women are ill-treated by their family members and outsiders. The percentage of the illiterate population in India is mostly covered by women. The real meaning of women's empowerment is to make them well educated and leave them free so that they can be capable to make their own decisions in any field.

Women in India are always subjected to honor killings and they gave their basic rights for the proper education and freedom. They are the victims who have faced violence and abuse in a male-dominated country. According to the National Mission for the Empowerment of Women (NMEW) launched by the Indian Government, this step has sown some improvement in the 2011 census. The ratio of female sex and female literacy has increased. According to the Global Gender Gap Index, India needs to take some advanced steps to improve women's position in society through proper health, higher education, and economic participation. Women empowerment needs to take full speed in the right direction instead of being in a nascent stage.

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