Provisions given in Madhya Pradesh Lok Sewa Guarantee Act, 2010. - MAINS QUESTION - DAILY CURRENT AFFAIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Provisions given in Madhya Pradesh Lok Sewa Guarantee Act, 2010.

Necessary action is taken against the Guarantee of Provision of Public Services Act 2010 and the rules made thereunder and notification of services related to the Public Health Engineering Department. The following provisions are described under this Act and Rules being effective from September 25, 2010-

(1) The departmental subcontractor for these services who are the effects of the work related to hand pump maintenance shall be designated officers.

(2) Under this Act, the secondary appellate officer shall be an executive engineer. Therefore, Executive Engineers related to all the rural areas of the state will get the information related to the facilities provided outside their office also and all the Executive Engineers will have these facilities available on time by every Assistant Engineer and Deputy Engineer under them.
Will take responsibility of getting it done.

(3) The format of the notice board for setting up outside the Assistant Engineer Offices. The format to be placed outside the Office of the Training and Executive Engineer to import the techniques attached in Appendix-2.
Is not required, because we can do the necessary work ourselves

(4) Most professional skills worldwide
 Apply and create employment opportunities in foreign countries.

(5) A copy of the draft notification is also attached for organizing the records under this Act in various offices, essentially the register should be organized in the prescribed format and at the time of its inspection, the specific officers must inspect it compulsorily.

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