top 100+ important environment questions for vyapam exams - MAINS QUESTION - DAILY CURRENT AFFAIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Thursday, February 4, 2021

top 100+ important environment questions for vyapam exams

1) What do you mean by Pisciculture ? - Pisceculture is the professional growing of fish.

2) The term ‘ecology’ was coined by? -  The term ECOLOGY was coined by Ernest Haeckel

3) ozone layer protects us from - ultravilot rays


5) The process of releasing fixed nitrogen back to the molecular nitrogen is called? - Denitrification

6) The problems for criticism about large dams are that they - Displace large number of peasants and trebles without proper rehabilitation, Swallow up huge amounts of public money without the generation of proportionate benefits and Don’t contribute enormously to deforestation and the loss of biological diversity.

7) A variety of different bacteria and yeasts live on human skin. Together they are considered to be a -  Community

8) The ‘fine respiratory particles' which deteriorate air quality of a breathing for human beings is categorized as? - PM 2.5

9) As per Central Pollution Control Board Bhopal what is the standard noise limit during day and night time in residential area?  -  The noise limit by central pollution control board bhopal is 55db during day time and 45 dB in the night .

10) Tritium is a radioactive isotope of which element? - Hydrogen (there are three main isotopes of hydrogen i.e. hydrogen, deuterium and tritium)

11) National Institute of Disaster management is located at? - NISM is situated at New Delhi. NIDM, is a premier institute for training and capacity development programs for managing natural disasters in India on a national as well as regional basis.

12) International Tsunami Information Centre is situated in. - Honolulu Located in Honolulu, the International Tsunami Information Centre (ITIC) was established Resolution IV-6 in November 1965 by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

13) Diameter of earth’s equator is? - 12,754km

14) Ozone day is observed on: - September 16

15) A study of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine and of severe air pollution in Mexico would lead to the conclusion that. - technology can cause problems throughout the world

16) ‘Kattas’ is the ancient method of water harvesting found in which place. - Karnataka

17) The method of rainwater harvesting which can be adopted by individual house owners is? - Roof-top rainwater harvesting

18) Fuel cost is zero in which kind of energy? - Wind energy

19) Coal based thermal power plant works on which principal? - Modified Rankin Cycle

20) Most recently, India joined the tidal power wave with the approval of a commercial-scale tidal power plant in- Gulf of Kutch

21) A chemical reaction triggered by _ transforms organic material into hydrocarbons. - elevated temperatures

22) Energy resources derived from natural organic materials is called ? - Fossil fuels

23) Which of the following rock types would most likely be the best oil reservoir? -sandstone

24) The world has the least amount of which of the following fuel types? - Oil

25) About 96% of total fluoride in human body is found in  - bones and teeth.

26) The percentage of total world’s precipitation, lost to the atmosphere through evaporation, is approximately? - 57%

27) In the northern hemisphere, the prevailing wind direction in the latitudes between 0 and 30 degrees is expected to be: - North-east/3eeR-Ta

28) The concept that ‘population tends to increase geometrically while food supply increases arithmetically’ was put forward by - Thomas Malthus

29) The main constituent of LPG is? - Liquid butane

30) Nitrogen fixation is accomplished by? - Bacteria in the soil

31) In 1974, people of Garhwal started Chipko Movement under the leadership of__? -Sunderlal Bahuguna

32) What is Silent Spring? -  A book

33) In India the Environment Protection Act (1981) consists of ? - 4 Chapters

34) The first of the major environmental protection act to be promulgated in India was _ - Water Act

35) In India The Water Act contains ? - 8 Chapters

36) Pollination by Birds is known as - Ornithophilly 

37) Wild life protection act was implemented in which year ? - 1972

38) Kaveri water dispute is between: - Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

39) National Environment Tribunal Act was introduced by government of India in - 1995

40) In 1974 which act was introduced ? - Water pollution act

41) In the Water Act the entire National Capital Territory of Delhi has been declared as water pollution prevention control area under: - Section 19/1RT 19

42) The power to declare an area as a sanctuary or national park of central Government Wildlife (Protection) Act is under: - Section 38

43) The provisions of environmental protection in the constitution were made under which act? - Article 48-A and Article 51-A (g)

44) The Wildlife (Protection) Act contains - 66 Sections 

45) which is an example of fossil fuel? - All the above

46) In India which type of forest is there ? - Tropical

47) BTU is a measurement of which of the following? - Heat content/alg & Arar

48) The first controlled fission of an atom was carried out in Germany in which year. - 1938

49) Threshold effect is a level? - Above which effect begins to occur

50) In study of satellite imageries GIS stands for - Geographical Information System

51) Temperature range from -30°C to 30°C is character of

52) In ecological succession, grasses and shrubs forms: - Intermediate stages

53) Lightening is related to? - Fixation 

54) The carbon cycle was initially discovered by? - Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier

55) A fuel cell, in order to produce electricity, burns? - Hydrogen

56) The temperature difference between the upper layers and the deeper layers of the ocean should be to install an OTEC power plant. - 20 °C

57) The study of very low temperature is called? - Cryogenics 

58) Habitats with usually high numbers of species are referred to as ? -biodiversity hotspots

59) Which of the following population divided into smaller groups by habitat fragmentation. - metapopulation

60) Endemic species are? - Species localized in a specific region

61) Blue whale is placed under - endangered species

62) The most important reason for decrease in biodiversity is ? - habitat destruction

63) Which is the pioneer species in succession ? - Lichens

64) Red data book contains data of. - threatened species

65) Genetic, species and ecosystem are types of ? - Diversity

66) The head quarters of IUCN (International Union for conservation of nature and natural resources) is located at . - Morges

67) The deepest zone of the lakes are called as - Profoundly zone 

68) The formula for exponential population growth is? - dN/dt=rN

69) If human population is small, there is a greater chance of? - genetic drift

70) Two opposite forces operate in the growth and development of every population. One of them is related to the ability to reproduce at a given rate. The force opposite to it is called - Biotic potential

71) Nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons released by automobiles interact to form? - PAN

72) The first Chloroflouro carbon was synthesized in which year ? -1892

73) The Indian coal industry was nationalized in which year ? - early 1970s

74) Bio-energy refers to the energy released when -organic carbon reacts with oxygen

75) Project Elephant was launched by Govt. of India in which year ? -1992

76) Autoecology is? - Study of single species or individual ecology

77) concept of carbon credit originated from which protocol? - Kyoto Protocol

78) Any abiotic or biotic factor that restricts the numbers, reproduction, or distribution of organisms is called. -Limiting factor

79) What is an estuary? - Zone between river and sea

80) What is meant by carrying capacity of a population? - the maximum number of individuals that can live in a population stably

81) Which of the following cycle is the slowest of the matter cycles? - Phosphorus cycle

82) A Keystone species is? - not numerically abundant

83) Micronutrients are those element which are ? - required in very small amounts

84) The natural heritage of India was made famous in Rudyard Kipling’s -The Jungle Book

85) Anthropogenic activities are - Man made activities

86) Anthropogenic activities are. - All the above

87) According to Central Pollution Control Board, which is the least polluted river of India - Narmada

88) The forest areas of the deltas of the Ganga and Brahmaputra in West Bengal are called - Sundarbans 

89) Artificial islands are an example of? - Land reclamation

90) The Tihri Dam is the tallest dam in India on the? - Bhagirathi River 

91) What type of energy is derived from heated groundwater? - Geothermal energy 

92) Periyar wildlife Sanctuary is in - Kerala

93) Kanchenjunga is the highest peak in north east India and -3rd in the world

94) Teak and Sal are mainly the proud of which state - Madhya Pradesh/

95) Pachmarhi Biosphere Area is located in which state? - Madhya Pradesh

96) Ocean currents are determined by? - Atmospheric circulation

97) Nitrogen fixation is accomplished by? -Bacteria in the soil / fat & &eaiRar

98) In biogeochemical cycles, mineral cycles are- 

99) Phosphate is mined primarily for: - Production of fertilizer

100) Which of the following energy sources does not produce carbon dioxide? - Uranium 

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