Global warming and its causes and effects - MAINS QUESTION - DAILY CURRENT AFFAIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Monday, September 14, 2020

Global warming and its causes and effects

- The process of warming the ocean, the entire environment including snowflakes, and regular warming of the Earth's surface is called global warming. The last few years have seen a rise in global atmospheric temperature.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the Earth's average temperature has increased by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the last century. It is also estimated that by the next century, it may increase by 2 to 11.5 degrees F.

Climate change is actually called a change in the climatic conditions on Earth. This happens due to various external and internal reasons. These include other internal and external causes including solar radiation, changes in the Earth's orbit, volcanic eruptions, plate tectonics, etc.

Causes of Climate Change - There are many factors that have been responsible for bringing changes in the weather in the past. These include variations in solar energy reaching Earth, volcanic eruptions, orbital changes and plate tectonics, etc. In addition, many human activities have also been
Have been responsible for bringing changes in climatic conditions over the decades. The recent change in climatic conditions is also known as global warming.

Causes of Global Warming: There are many reasons for global warming, the main reason is the greenhouse gas which is produced by some humans by some natural processes. Greenhouse gases have been seen to rise in the 20th century due to population explosion, economy, and energy use. Industrial activities are the reason for the release of many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere because industrialization is needed in the modern world to meet almost every need.

In the last few years, carbon dioxide (CO) and sulfur oxide (SO,) have increased by 10 times. Including oxidation rotation and photosynthesis
The release of carbon dioxide varies according to natural and industrial processes. Methane in the atmosphere due to the decomposition of organic goods
The name greenhouse gas also comes out. The second greenhouse gas is nitrogen oxide, hello carbons, CFCS chlorine, bromine compound, etc. They all mix together in the atmosphere and disturb the radioactive balance of the atmosphere. They have the ability to absorb hot radiation.
Due to this, the surface of the earth starts heating up.

A decrease in the ozone layer in Antarctica is also a cause of global warming. The ozone layer is decreasing as CFCS gas increases. This is a human-caused cause of global warming. Many use of CFCS gas
Industrial liquid cleaning in places is like an aerosol propellant and in the fridge, due to its regular increase, the ozone layer decreases.

The function of the ozone layer is to protect the earth from harmful rays. Whereas, increasing global warming of the Earth's surface is an indication that
There is erosion in the ozone layer. Harmful ultraviolet sun rays enter the biosphere and are absorbed by greenhouse gases
Which eventually leads to an increase in global warming.
The presence of aerosols in the atmosphere also increases the surface temperature of the earth. Atmospheric aerosols have the ability to spread and can catch sun rays and excess rays. These can cause cloud signs and microphysical changes. Its quantity in the environment has increased due to humans. Agriculture creates heat, burning of bio-fuel
Organic droplets and black particles are produced, and by the burning of many different substances in manufacturing processes, by industrial processes
The aerosol is produced. Different pollutants are also released through transport which reacts with chemicals in the atmosphere to form aerosols.

Impact of Global Warming: Due to the means of increasing global warming, its effect has become quite clear in a few years. The storm is now becoming dangerous and powerful due to major climate change. Global warming has resulted in a lot of climate change which can be attributed to increasing in the summer season, decrease in cold weather, increase in temperature, change in air circulation, jet stream, unseasonal rain, melting of snow peaks, ozone Layer erosion, severe storm, cyclone, flood, drought, etc.

Effects of global warming can be seen as follows:
Temperature rise In the last ten years, the average temperature of the earth has increased by 0.3 to 0.6 degrees Celsius. It is feared that global warming will only increase further in the coming times.

Natural storms are becoming more powerful by taking energy from the temperature difference. The year 2012 has been recorded as the warmest year since 1895 and 2013 with the year 2003 as the warmest year since 1880.

Increase in sea surface: Global warming will increase the temperature of the tremor, which will cause the ice accumulated on glaciers to melt. Melting of glaciers' ice will increase the amount of water in the oceans, which will also increase their surface from year to year. Erosion of natural coasts due to rising sea surface
There will be a charge that will drown a large part.

Impact on human health: Humans will have the most impact of climate change. Many people will have to lose their lives. Increasing heat will increase infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue, and yellow fever, clean water to drink, fresh food to eat, and even pure air to breath

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