The aims and functions of World Health Organization. - MAINS QUESTION - DAILY CURRENT AFFAIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The aims and functions of World Health Organization.

World Health Organization (WHO) is an organization to develop mutual support and standards on health related problems of the countries of the world. The World Health Organization has 193 member countries and two relations members.
It is a partisan unit of the United Nations. This institution was established on 7 April 1948. Its purpose is to raise the level of health of the people of the world. The headquarters of WHO is located in the city of Geneva, Switzerland. Ethiopian doctor Tadros Adrenom Gabrayes has been elected the new director general of the World Health Organization (WHO). India is also a member country of the World Health Organization and is based in Delhi, India. 'World Health Day' is celebrated every year on its foundation day on April 7, under the aegis of World Health Organization, all over the world.
Its aim is to make people health aware across the world and motivate the government to formulate health policies keeping in mind the public interest.

Goals and aims- 

1. The goal of WHO is to help all people achieve the highest possible level of health. The World Health Organization is considered one of the most successful UN agencies.

2. It acts as a co-ordinating authority related to interim health operations and encourages active cooperation in health matters.

3. Its programs include development of health services, disease prevention and control, promotion of environmental health, healthy manpower development and development of biomedical, health services, research and health programs and. Includes incentives. 

4. WHO supports member countries in the development of health services that aim to ensure health care for all, promote maternal and child health, family planning, nutrition, health education and health engineers, clean water supply and sanitation, infectious Prevention of diseases, production and quality control of medicines and vaccines and research promotion etc. are done. 

5. The organization also contributes to the collection, analysis and distribution of health data and sponsors comparative studies in relation to disease symptoms, diseases and treatments.

Functions of the organization - 

World Health Organization presents recommendations in international health related matters and proposes various treaties, agreements and regulations. It reviews and revises the international nomenclature of the patient and develops and encourages international standardization of food and medicinal substances. In the past years, the organization encouraged national, regional and global strategies to achieve the main social goal called Health for all by the year 2000. WHO has achieved special success in vaccination programs. The chicken pox has been completely eradicated by the smallpox vaccination campaign. The organization has also been coordinating anti-AIDS efforts.

Research- The World Health Organization has also intensified research work on non-communicable diseases like cancer, heart disease and brain inflammation. The WHO has identified ten major life-threatening diseases, including cancer, cerebrovascular disease, acute lower respiratory infection, perinatal conditions, TB, coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diarrhea, dysentery and AIDS or HIV.

The organization provides support for the production, selection and quality control of effective and safe drugs and vaccines in developing countries under the Compulsory Drug and Vaccine Action Plan. The substance abuse program, undertaken in the early 1990s, aims to reduce and control the demand for psychoactive drugs and substances. WHO also provides humanitarian health support in conflict affected areas.

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